The Conarium Way

When we DO better we FEEL better

When we FEEL better we LIVE better

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Conarium exists to help us become better observers of ourselves

We deliver peer-reviewed scientific content that inspires a lifestyle of awareness, observation, well-being and healing


How Do You Feel?



Do you feel great?

Do you feel terrible?

Maybe you’re just feeling OK.

Can you FEEL better? Of course. Feeling better is not a destination; it is a pursuit, a journey, a process. You can always FEEL a little better.

To FEEL better you only need small daily improvements.

You just need to do better than yesterday.

What Kind of World do You Want?

If you want to live in a world where we are better informed, where facts surface above opinions, and where wisdom is abundant, then this podcast might be for you

3 Thoughts On distills important and sometimes difficult topics into easily consumable content

We provide all our references and sources, we don’t spread opinion, and we foment collaboration and growth… all in under one hour.

Do you have some time? We need you in order to learn and grow together




What I’m reading now…

Curated BOOK LIST - These are books that have helped me improve my life. I hope they can be helpful to you too


will be donated to GiveWell’s Maximum Impact Fund. GiveWell is a nonprofit dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities and publishing the full details of their analysis to help donors decide where to give.


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